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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Trabajo Work Travail

Turtle's Webb is ... working

*travail - "ensemble des activities
 humaines organisees coordonnees en
vue de produire ce qu est utile: etat,
activite d'une personne qui agit avec
 suite en vue d'obtenir un tel resultat."

*trabajo - "actividad que requiere un
 esfuerzo fisico o intelectual.
 (a mi, me gusta mas el segundo definition)
2.actividad que realiza una persona
 de manera continuada para ganar

*work - "1. activity in which one
 excerts strength or faculties to do or
 perform something: a : sustained
 physical or mental effort to overcome
 obstacles and achieve an objective or

Coming soon...

                                       Fall 2012- The Series

                 Turtle's Webb Celebrates Twenty-one years




work is prayer

                                                        Gregory Porter- "Feeling Good"

                     Black, blue, orange and gold monarch butterfly in Beulah Land...feeling good

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